About this report
About our theme
Covid-19 impacted the lives and livelihoods of billions of people, completely disrupting our world. Old certainties and realities are no more. As an organisation, we’ve adapted swiftly to the challenge of a changed world. The images used throughout this report reflect the theme of adaption, together with the beauty and promise of change. They also reflect our determination to adapt to change in a manner that will enable us not just to survive, but also to expand, grow and ultimately, thrive.
View about this reportMessage from Steve Binnie
Chief Executive Officer of Sappi Limited
Our 2020 financial performance was severely impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic, related lockdowns and the economic aftereffect. We were more fortunate than some businesses in that in all regions, our operations were classified as ‘essential’, which meant production could continue – although our Condino Mill was required to close for a period of 10 days.
View message from our CEOMessage from Valli Moosa
Chairman of the Social, Ethics, Transformation and Sustainability (SETS) Committee
The Covid-19 pandemic has illustrated the fragility and interdependence of the global economy, sharpened the divide between the haves and have nots and highlighted our dependence on the environment. Against this backdrop, across the world there are calls to manage the consequences of the pandemic by building ‘back better’.
View message from our Chairman